Welcome to
Crasno Electronics


What is Crasno, and who is in charge?

Crasno Electronics is a sole proprietorship in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, owned and operated by myself, Jesse Acorn. Crasno offers:

  • Electronic Repair

    Especially analog audio and musical devices, including keyboard instruments, vacuum-tube amplifiers, reel-to-reel tape recorders, effects, and so on. See the Repairs page for my rates and policies, and details regarding what I will and will not work on.
  • Electronic Manufacturing

    At the moment, all Crasno products are designed and built to order, and have mostly consisted of custom tube amplifiers and specialty studio devices. The Products page shows some of what I have made, and details my future plans.
  • Information

    I have written articles about specific devices, as well as general topics. The Articles page is where to find these. As well, I have scanned and uploaded many old books and manuals, especially relating to early electronic musical instruments. These can be found on the Document Scans page.

To give a brief bio, I have been interested in both electronics and music from a very young age. From three years old, I loved playing with tape recorders and phonographs; my generous and supportive parents provided me with a Lloyds all-in-one stereo, on which I frequently played and dubbed records, with Elvis, CCR, The Beatles, and the Kingston Trio being among my childhood favorites. I started playing ukulele in the same year, and by age four, I was recording myself on reel-to-reel tape. Throughout my early years, I built numerous electronic projects for fun (including several crude electro-musical instruments), took apart many things to see how they were built, and collected plenty of old audio equipment in varying states of disrepair. I always liked the old stuff best, since old things were physically most interesting; consider, for example, the spinning reels of tape recorders and the hot glowing tubes of amplifiers, which I still consider prime attractors. The catch was that, in those early days, if I wanted something repaired, I had to take it to a shop. By the late 2000s, there were very few local technicians willing to work on my old things, and I was often disappointed by their work.

So, around 2011, I decided to learn how to repair my own equipment. I started mostly with cheap reel-to-reels, then moved on to guitar and hi-fi amps, and eventually became proficient with vintage electronic keyboards, vacuum-tube radios, and many other things. Around the same time, I began learning electronic design. Hoping to expand my knowledge and meet like-minded people, I went into Electrical Engineering at the University of Alberta in 2014, focusing on analog audio- and music-related subjects in the few ways possible. In mid-2017, unsatisfied with the program and its typical careers, I decided to start my own business, splitting my last year's courses into two years in order to have time for my own projects and some customer work. In April 2019, I graduated from the EE program with distinction, finally free to completely focus on said business. As well, though I often don't have as much time for it as desired, I never left music behind; I still play ukulele on occasion, but drumset and keyboards are now my main instruments.

You may ask: "why the name Crasno?" Well, before deciding on a business name, I had already chosen saturated-red as my signature color, and had designed a logo with circular first and last letters in mind. At the time, I was learning Russian, and one form of the Russian word for "red" is "красно", or transliterated... "crasno"! There you have it, but that's not quite all. More than a year later, it was pointed out to me that "crasno" is an anagram for "Acorns"! I felt rather foolish for not noticing earlier, but was glad to know of a second—and perhaps even stronger—reason for using the name.

Jesse Acorn—Founder and Proprietor—as seen in November 2020